Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Cheese Dip - Great for Every Occasion


Blue Cheese Dip


2 packages of cream cheese (softened)

1 package blue cheese

4 tbsp chopped black olives

4 tbsp chopped onion



Use just enough milk for a smooth consistency

Beat with mixer


Serve with corn chips.
Fritos or Bugles are best.

photo courtesy of my niece, Melanie Schultz
click on picture to enlarge

 As a kid, I never was much of a blue cheese fan.  As a aging boomer, I have become a big fan.  The above dip recipe is one that my mother made for every family occasion.  It was there on every holiday and even for neighborhood taco parties.

 With football season getting ready to kick off, I figured I oughta add this to the blog.

Every time someone new tries it, they ask for the recipe and Mom always gave it to them.

Here's a little story of how my Mother got the recipe.  In our little town of Liberty, Missouri there was a guy named John Pixlee.  Mr. Pixlee threw the paper for the Kansas City Times and Star.  All the time I was growing up, I don't remember having another paper man.  He had a white van and he would sit in the back rolling papers and threw them out of the van while someone else drove it.  Anyway, Mr Pixlee's wife was Eula (Harlow) Pixlee.  Mrs. Pixlee brought the Blue Cheese Dip to a party. It was immediately devoured. So, she left and came back with another big bowl and the recipe. My Dad says there's a note about it in one of my Mother's recipe books.  The Pixlee's owned a bar in Liberty in the 40's.  Both Mr and Mrs Pixlee were born in November 1900 just a couple weeks apart. She died August 1989 and he followed just a month later.  There's gotta be a good love story there.
I hope you'll love her dip.

Enjoy it and as always, feel free to share the recipe.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

South Seas Chicken


I always overbuy fruit and veggies.  That happens when there’s only two people in the house.  This week it was bananas.  I bought a half dozen and we only ate a couple.  There’s always banana bread but ya really got to time that just right.  Those bananas gotta ripen pretty good,  and we’re pretty lazy when it’s in the triple digits outside.

Barbi, my Mrs., has a recipe called South Seas Chicken.  It’s perfect for this situation, plus it takes a lemon which we always have plenty of.  Neither of us really know where this recipe came from but she says she thinks she got it off a cream of coconut can.  Who woulda thought you could use cream of coconut for something besides Pina Coladas.

As always, click on the pic to see a larger view.

It’s really good recipe and we use thighs but we have used breasts and it turns out great.  We just prefer legs and thighs, unless we’re havin’ company. Ha!

South Seas Chicken

2 bananas

6 pieces chicken

Salt and pepper

1 cup cream of coconut

2 tblspns lemon juice

2 ½ cups cornflake crumbs

¾ cup melted butter or margarine

Rinse and pat dry the chicken pieces

Salt and pepper both sides of chicken

In a bowl mix the cream of coconut and lemon juice

Peel and cut the bananas in half (lengthwise or crosswise)

Dip the chicken and the bananas in the coconut then in the cornflakes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Brush bottom of baking dish with butter

Place chicken in dish

Drizzle with half the butter

Bake for 45 minutes

Add bananas

Drizzle with remaining butter

Bake another 15 minutes

If you’re having company, I would cut the bananas in thirds so there’s a banana for each piece of chicken.  Or, you can just add another banana.

Here’s something to think about.  Drizzling the butter gives a rich buttery flavor, but some say it makes it a little too greasy. Maybe drizzle over half and see how you like it best.  We always have leftovers, and the extra moisture is good for the reheat, but you can always add a little when you need it.

Now, I don’t know about where you live, but where I live, cream of coconut comes in a 15 oz can. So you got about a cup left over.  My suggestion.  Serve with Pina Coladas!

