Blue Cheese Dip
2 packages of cream
cheese (softened)
1 package blue cheese
4 tbsp chopped black
4 tbsp chopped onion
Use just enough milk
for a smooth consistency
Beat with mixer
Serve with corn chips.
Every time someone
new tries it, they ask for the recipe and Mom always gave it to them.
Here's a little story of how my Mother got the recipe. In our little town of Liberty, Missouri there was a guy named John Pixlee. Mr. Pixlee threw the paper for the Kansas City Times and Star. All the time I was growing up, I don't remember having another paper man. He had a white van and he would sit in the back rolling papers and threw them out of the van while someone else drove it. Anyway, Mr Pixlee's wife was Eula (Harlow) Pixlee. Mrs. Pixlee brought the Blue Cheese Dip to a party. It was immediately devoured. So, she left and came back with another big bowl and the recipe. My Dad says there's a note about it in one of my Mother's recipe books. The Pixlee's owned a bar in Liberty in the 40's. Both Mr and Mrs Pixlee were born in November 1900 just a couple weeks apart. She died August 1989 and he followed just a month later. There's gotta be a good love story there.
Here's a little story of how my Mother got the recipe. In our little town of Liberty, Missouri there was a guy named John Pixlee. Mr. Pixlee threw the paper for the Kansas City Times and Star. All the time I was growing up, I don't remember having another paper man. He had a white van and he would sit in the back rolling papers and threw them out of the van while someone else drove it. Anyway, Mr Pixlee's wife was Eula (Harlow) Pixlee. Mrs. Pixlee brought the Blue Cheese Dip to a party. It was immediately devoured. So, she left and came back with another big bowl and the recipe. My Dad says there's a note about it in one of my Mother's recipe books. The Pixlee's owned a bar in Liberty in the 40's. Both Mr and Mrs Pixlee were born in November 1900 just a couple weeks apart. She died August 1989 and he followed just a month later. There's gotta be a good love story there.
I hope you'll love her dip.
Enjoy it and as always, feel free to share the recipe.
Enjoy it and as always, feel free to share the recipe.