Monday, January 9, 2012

Spaghetti and Meatballs

I saw a recipe in the Oct 2011 issue of Esquire for meatballs. It was in their Eat Like A Man column in the Man At His Best section. The recipe sounded good but it served 8 to 10 so I didn’t pay much attention at the time. Then in yesterday’s Sunday paer Parade Magazine, there was a recipe for spaghetti sauce. That made me thing of the meatball recipe and I started craving spaghetti and meatballs. So looking at both recipes and then looking at some I already had, I made this one up and it came out great.My wife said it was a little sweet and I thought a bit spicy, but it was really good and it made some great meatball sandwiches with the leftovers.

At dinner, my wife and I had a conversation about my blog. She says if we ate like this all the time, we would be obese. She is absolutely correct. We only eat like this about once or twice a week. The rest of the time we watch calories and eat pretty healthy. Plus, we work out. The old saying is something about Eat to Live or is it Live to Eat. Hey, I say why not both! One is considered body fuel and the other is a luxury. Today’s recipe, as most of mine do, fall in the luxury category.


1 lb hamburger
½ minced onion
½ tbsp minced garlic
¼ cup parmesan cheese
½ tspn each of parsley, rosemary, oregano, and black pepper
¼ cup bread crumbs
1 egg
1 tspn Worcestershire sauce
¼ cup milk


½ tbsp each oregano, garlic, and basil
¼ cup sugar
2   8oz cans tomato sauce
1 jar (24 oz) prepared spaghetti sauce (I used Prego)
½ cup water

Mix all the meatball stuff together and form into meatballs.  I made ten but4, 8, or 12 would work too depending on how big or small you want them.

Cook in ¼ inch hot oil browning on all sides.
Remove the meatballs from the skillet and place in a cooking dish.
Try to use one deep enough to cover the meatballs with sauce.

Mix all the sauce stuff together and pour over meatballs.
Cook at 350 degrees for about an hour.
The meatballs should reach 160 degrees with a meat thermometer.

Serve over spaghetti or make into meatball sandwiches.
Either way, put parmesan and /or mozzarella on top.

Oh yeah, that’s good stuff! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Someone mentioned that I forgot the wine. No I didn't. I just didn't put it in the recipe. Instead, I put it in a glass and had it with the meal.
