Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chief's Potato Salad


My Dad, Chief made great potato salad.  I watched him make it several times and even asked him “how much of that do you put in.?”  He always answered “just til it’s enough.”  So, that’s how I made it all my life until a couple months ago when someone asked me for the recipe.  So last weekend, I made it for a neighborhood get together and  I measured and wrote it down.


Chief’s Recipe

Potatoes, eggs, sweet pickles, stuffed green olives, salt and pepper, celery seed, Miracle Whip, mustard


Uncle Ron’s – Chief’s Potato Salad


10 small potatoes

½ cup each sweet pickle relish, stuffed green olives, white onion, celery (all chopped)

2 tablespoons prepared mustard

1 cup Miracle Whip

2 tablespoons sugar

½ teaspoon each celery seed, salt, pepper

3 hard boiled eggs chopped

1 hard boiled egg sliced for garnish on top

Paprika- sprinkled on top


I used ten small potatoes because I had bought a 5 pound bag of them.  4-5 regular sized spuds will do.  The bigger they are, you may have to use a little more Miracle Whip.


I used to chop sweet pickles instead of the relish but the relish is easier and it has some other colorful stuff in it.


I peel then boil the potatoes in salted water for 40 minutes, soft but not too mushy.  Then I drain them and refridgerate until cool a couple hours. 

The way I hardboil the eggs, is by putting eggs in cold water in pan and bring to a boil.  Then I shut off the heat, cover and let sit for 20 minutes.  Rain the water and put in refridgerator with potatoes.


After they’ve cooled, I peel the eggs, then chopped the potatoes and 3 eggs.  I leave the fourth egg in the fridge.


Mix everything together in a large bowl and refridgerate.  You can eat it right away if you want.  I like mine to sit in the fridge overnight to all those flavors can ‘marry’. 

Before serving, peel that last egg and slice.  Place on top of the salad for garnish and sprinkle with Paprika.


Now, my wife says she likes it better with black olives and we’ve made it that way.  I prefer the green, but once we made it with both.  It wasn’t bad.


My friends,  Kevin and Kristy Farnsworth from Salt Lake (who I haven’t seen in 36 years, although I would love too), don’t use olives.  They use ½ teaspn dry mustard instead of the prepared, and add a ½ cup sour cream.  This was good enough that I asked for their recipe.


Whichever way you make it, I hope it turns out great! 



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